PRSSA students receiving the Outstanding Member Award
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Leadership Recognition

Student leaders are shaping the future. If you or someone you know has exhibited outstanding leadership in your Chapter, consider applying or encouraging someone to apply for these three awards.

Hall of Fame Award

The Hall of Fame Award recognizes PRSSA alumni who are currently PRSA members and have made outstanding contributions to either public relations or their former PRSSA Chapter. This is a great way to honor your Faculty or Professional Adviser if he or she used to be a PRSSA member.

National Gold Key Award

The highest honor a PRSSA member can receive, the National Gold Key Award recognizes students who display outstanding academic excellence in public relations and leadership qualities within their PRSSA Chapter.

National President’s Citation

If you possess leadership and professional skills, have a strong understanding of PRSSA and are an active PRSSA member on the Chapter and national level, consider applying for the National President’s Citation.

Elaine Averick Award

The National President selects one member of the National Committee to receive the Elaine Averick Award in recognition of his or her dedicated service to the National Committee and members of PRSSA.

Membership Spotlight

The Member Spotlight recognizes all members who go above and beyond the call of duty not only within their Chapters, but also in their community. Chapter executive board members can nominate candidates. The recipient will have the opportunity for a Snapchat takeover as well as other social media opportunities.