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Find Agencies, Professionals & Resources

Our search tools, powered by CommunicationsMatch™, help clients find agencies, consultants, freelancers and service providers by industry and communications expertise, location, size, designations, diversity, and client experience.

Profiles provide the information clients need to make the decision to shortlist and reach out directly to listed firms or send RFQs/RFPs online using Agency Select™.

Agencies, professionals and service provider comprehensive profiles offer leader bios, capabilities presentations, client case studies, videos, recommendations, awards and testimonials, as well as thought leadership to put their best foot forward when clients are looking to hire.  

Register if you are a first-time user for unlimited search results. If you are a PRSA member, use the PRSA sign-in button to receive section member benefits, discounts on profiles and the Agency Select™ RFQ/RFP tools.


How to Use the PRSA Agency & Professional Search Tool Search 


How to Create a Profile


How to Use Agency Select™