Curators & Volunteers
75th Anniversary Committee
75th Anniversary Task Force Co-Chairs
Felicia Blow, Ph.D., APR
2022 National PRSA Chair
Associate Vice President for Development
Hampton University, Virginia
Denise Hill, Ph.D., APR
Associate Professor, School of Communications
Elon University, North Carolina
Gary McCormick, APR, Fellow PRSA
2010 National PRSA Chair
GMcCommunications, LLC, Tennessee
Task Force Members
JW Arnold, APR, Fellow PRSA
PRDC Public Relations, Florida
Aaron Kwittken
Founder & Chairman
KWT Global, New York
Jorge D'Garay
President and CEO
MXUS Public Relations, Mexico
Lea-Ann O’Hare Germinder, APR, Fellow PRSA
President + Founder
Germinder + Associates, New York
Andrew Graham
Founding Partner
Clear PR Agency,
New York
Heide Harrell, APR
Director of Marketing and Business Development
Rose Law Firm, Arkansas
Olga Mayoral Wilson, APR, Fellow PRSA
Senior Lecturer, School of Journalism & Mass Communication, (Retired)
Texas State University, Texas
Maureen Walsh (Staff Liaison)
Chief Marketing and Sales Officer
PRSA, New York
75th Anniversary Commemorative Book Thought Leaders
Chief Editor
D'Angelo, APR, Fellow PRSA
2018 National PRSA Chair
Public Relations Professor & Director, Executive Master's Program
Syracuse University, New York
Forward Author
Cayce Myers, Ph.D., LL.M., J.D., APR
of Graduate Studies and Associate Professor, School of Communication
Virginia Tech, Virginia
Contributing Editors
Felicia Blow, Ph.D., APR
2022 National PRSA Chair
Associate Vice President for Development
University, Virginia
Gary McCormick, APR, Fellow PRSA
2010 National PRSA Chair
GMcCommunications, LLC, Tennessee
Mickey G. Nall, MAMC, APR, Fellow PRSA
2013 National PRSA Chair
in Residence
University of Florida, Florida
Dr. Jinx Broussard
Bart R. Swanson Endowed Memorial Professor
Louisiana State University, Louisiana
Rear Admiral Charlie Brown
Chief of Information
United Stated Navy, Washington, D.C.
Ray Day
Vice Chair
Stagwell, New York
Mike Fernandez
Senior Vice President - Public Affairs, Communications and Sustainability (PACS) & Chief Communications Officer
Enbridge, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Global Headquarters)
Patrick Ford
Professional in Residence
University of Florida, Florida
Karen Garnik, APR
Global Vision Marketing & Communications, Puerto Rico
Karla K. Gower, Ph.D.
Director, Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations
Behringer Distinguished Professor
The University of Alabama, Alabama
Denise Hill, Ph.D., APR
Associate Professor
Elon University, North Carolina
Michael Kempner
Founder and CEO
MikeWorldWide (MWW), New York
Bill Imada
Chairman and Chief Connectivity Officer
IW Group, Inc., California
Margot Opdycke Lamme, Ph.D., APR
Professor Emerita, The
University of Alabama
New Mexico
Grace T. Leong, APR
Hunter, New York
Tina McCorkindale, Ph.D., APR
President & CEO
Institute for Public Relations, Florida
Cayce Myers, Ph.D., LL.M.,
Director of Graduate Studies and Associate Professor
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Virginia
John L. Paluszek, APR, Fellow PRSA
1989 National PRSA Chair,
Executive Editor
Business In Society, New York
Andy Polansky
Executive Chairman
Weber Shandwick, New York (Global Headquarters)
Karen Miller Russell, Ph.D.
Jim Kennedy Professor of New Media, Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor
University of Georgia,
Shelley Spector
Founder and Director
Museum of Public Relations, New York
Natalie T. J. Tindall, Ph.D., APR
Professor and Director of the Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
of Texas at Austin, Texas
Norris P. West
Director of Strategic Communications
The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Maryland
ZENO Group
New York, New York (Global Headquarters)
PRSA is excited to provide all PRSA Chapters, Sections and Districts with tools and resources to help everyone commemorate PRSA’s 75th Anniversary.
We are thrilled to join together on social media to spotlight history-making contributions made over the years by public relations and communications professionals.
This commemoration will run throughout 2022 and culminate in PRSA Day on Jan. 17, 2023.
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