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The Independent Practitioners Alliance (IPA) Section is made up of more than 300 small business owners and freelance public relations and communication practitioners.


About Us


Our Independent Practitioners Alliance (IPA) is the Professional Interest Section of PRSA focused on specialists.

In one form or another, “Indies” serve as “ringers” for distinct niche services, like a particular skill set or an industry focus. Our expertise tends to prove unwieldy for agencies or organizations to keep on staff, but critical to find when that need arises. We often join projects as subcontractors or bring others along with custom-assembled teams.

Indies collaborate on refining our mastery of managing a consulting practice and running the business. Senior practitioners and new entrepreneurs trade valuable insights on everything from business strategy to client management. Further, the art of the consulting relationship – the diplomacy, the quality of our discovery process, the effectiveness of (social) contracting, and negotiation/renegotiation as relationships unfold – is a skill set not limited to Indies. Professionals at every level need increasing proficiency for these kinds of interpersonal exchanges to grow.

PRSA’s strategic plan states our mission is, “To make communications professionals smarter, better prepared and more connected through all stages of their career.” IPA Section steps up to this mission every week, bringing Indies together.

If you are going solo, don’t go it alone. Join us in IPA.

Section Member Resources on MyPRSA

How IPA Membership Helps Indie Practitioners


How Do I Join?

If you are already a PRSA member and looking to join this Section, please call the Member Services department at (212) 460-1400 or email: membership@prsa.org.

Not a PRSA member? Learn about the benefits and how to join PRSA here.

From the Chair

From the Chair

headshot of Mila Fairfax


Our Independent Practitioners Alliance (IPA) is the Professional Interest Section of PRSA focused on specialists.

In one form or another, “Indies” serve as “ringers” for distinct niche services, like a particular skill set or an industry focus. Our expertise tends to prove unwieldy for agencies or organizations to keep on staff, but critical to find when that need arises. We often join projects as subcontractors or bring others along with custom-assembled teams.

Indies collaborate on refining our mastery of managing a consulting practice and running the business. Senior practitioners and new entrepreneurs trade valuable insights on everything from business strategy to client management. Further, the art of the consulting relationship – the diplomacy, the quality of our discovery process, the effectiveness of (social) contracting, and negotiation/renegotiation as relationships unfold – is a skill set not limited to Indies. Professionals at every level need increasing proficiency for these kinds of interpersonal exchanges to grow.

PRSA’s strategic plan states our mission is, “To make communications professionals smarter, better prepared and more connected through all stages of their career.” IPA Section steps up to this mission every week, bringing Indies together.

If you are going solo, don’t go it alone. Join us in IPA.

Mila Fairfax
IPA Section Chair

Executive Committee

Independent Practitioners Alliance Executive Committee


Mila Fairfax
Principal, Fairfax Image
Walnut Creek, CA

Chair Elect

Leris Bernard
Chief Executive Officer
Washington, DC

Immediate Past Chair

Carol Higgins Taylor, APR
Bryant Street Public Relations, LLC
Bangor, ME


Carla Brown Lucas
Brown Lucas Consulting
Tallahassee, FL

Program Chair

Wendy Kurtz, APR, Fellow PRSA
Elizabeth Charles & Associates, LLC
Orlando, FL

Membership Chair

Ric Bachrach
Chief Executive Officer
Celebrity Focus, Inc.
Deerfield, IL

Sponsorship Chair

Gina Milani
Milani Marketing & PR & PRToolFinder.com
Angels Camp, CA

Inter-Section Relations

Philip Tate, APR, Fellow PRSA
Philip Tate Strategic Communications, LLC
Matthews, NC

Student/New Professionals

Barbara Burfeind, APR, Fellow PRSA
US Navy retired
Fairfax, VA

Member at Large (Sponsorship subcommittee)

Kevin Bakewell, APR
Bakewell Public Relations LLC | PR4Nonprofits
Clearwater, FL

Member at Large (Membership)

Bart Graham, Sr.
Media Center Volunteer Team Leader
Largo, FL

Member at Large (Ethics)

Krista Terrell, APR
Charlotte, NC

Member at Large

J.W. Arnold, APR, Fellow PRSA
PRDC Public Relations
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Member at Large (Program Subcommittee)

Michelle Young, APR
Agency Principal
Bee Young Communications and Marketing
Tampa, FL

Member at Large

Gina Blume, APR
Out of the Box Public Relations
Fleming Island, FL