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Call for Presentations

2021 Association/Nonprofit Section Annual Conference:
Communication Strategies to Rebuild, Reimagine & Revitalize
Nov. 9 & 10, Noon–5:00 p.m. (Eastern) • 100% Virtual


Conference Overview
The theme of our Fifth Annual Association/Nonprofit Section Conference is Communication Strategies to Rebuild, Reimagine & Revitalize. We’re aiming to provide attendees with new ideas, skills, strategies, tactics, and tools, as they help lead their organization and/or clients back from the COVID-19 pandemic.


The conference will consist of four types of sessions each day:
  • Keynote speaker sessions.
  • Subject matter sessions.
  • Networking sessions.
  • Vendor presentations, i.e., brief presentations by firms that provide communication products and services to associations and other nonprofits.


This Call for Presentations pertains to our subject matter sessions. We plan to devote two or three hours each day to 45-minute sessions on various communications topics (see below for a list of potential topics). During each 45-minute “period,” we will present two or three sessions, giving attendees a choice of topics. But attendees won’t have to worry about what they’re missing out on, as they will be able to access recordings of all the sessions for six months.

The link to the session proposal form is here. All proposals must be submitted electronically using this form by Monday, Aug. 9, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern). For questions, contact Bill Madway, 2021 ANP Section Conference Chair, at wmmadway@gmail.com.


In harmony with PRSA’s mission to increase diversity, inclusion, and equity within our organization and the public relations profession, leaders of the Association/Nonprofit Section are committed to making sure we present a diverse lineup of conference speakers and attract a diverse audience. The Conference Planning Committee and all of our conference sub-committees will identify and implement tactics to make sure we fulfill this vital commitment.

About the Association/Nonprofit Section
PRSA’s Association/Nonprofit Section consists of over 700 PRSA members, most of whom manage, direct, or lead the public relations or communications function in their organization. Of course, not every PRSA member who works in an association or other nonprofit belongs to our Section. Therefore, the audience for our upcoming annual conference consists of thousands of individuals, and even more if you consider association and nonprofit communication professionals who are not PRSA members.

Our members work for associations and nonprofits large and small, as well as large and small firms that provide communication-related products and services to the association/nonprofit market. About one-quarter are relative newcomers to association/nonprofit communications (three or fewer years of experience); another quarter have been working in the field for four years to less than 10; and the remaining half have 10+ years of experience in association/nonprofit communications. Given the diversity of our membership, we look for sessions with a broad appeal, as well as those that are narrowly focused. The key: we want to see that the submitter has defined the audience for their session and tailored the content to meet the intended audience’s needs.

One final point to keep in mind about the audience. When suggesting specific techniques or tools, try to provide options that can fit organizations of varying sizes and budgets. For example, if you’re discussing measurement techniques, be sure to cover free and low-cost options, as well as tools and/or vendors with higher price tags.

Speaker Guidelines
Proposals may be submitted by 1) public relations/communications professionals working in an association or other nonprofits; 2) individuals with public relations agencies, consulting firms,  research companies, and more that provide services to associations and/or nonprofits; and 3) university faculty who teach courses in public relations and related subjects, conduct and publish relevant research, write books on the subject, and/or are subject matter experts in association and/or nonprofit communications.

Speakers do not have to be members of the Association/Nonprofit Section or PRSA. Commercial pitches, direct or indirect, are not permitted in subject-matter sessions.


What is PRSA’s policy regarding presenter expenses and speaker fees?
Presenters will receive a complimentary registration for the event. This event does not reimburse presenters for out-of-pocket expenses, such as hotels, food, airfare, nor provides speaker fees.

Proposal Guidance
Our proposal submission form contains specific topics/questions you are expected to address in your session proposal. Here are some general guidelines to keep in mind as you prepare your session proposal.

Session Topics:
As a general rule, our members are seeking results-oriented best practices. Based on member surveys and other research, we have developed a list of the topics that interest our members the most (see below). Many of these topics aren’t unique to associations and nonprofits. Therefore, explain in your proposal how you will tailor your session to make it relevant to associations and other nonprofits. In addition, highlight how your session will fulfill our value proposition, that is, how your session will provide new ideas, skills, strategies, tactics, and/or tools to attendees.

One other point. The list below is not exhaustive. Proposals covering other topics will be considered, but it’s important to explain the connection of the proposed topic to our conference theme and to the needs of association and nonprofit communication professionals.

  • Campaign planning
  • Communication tactics, channels, and messaging
  • Content marketing
  • Crisis communication and management
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Ethics
  • How to develop a strategic communications plan for an organization
  • Insights from the latest research on communication methods, engagement, persuasion, etc.
  • Management and leadership
  • Measuring and evaluating communication effectiveness, results, and impact
  • Media relations
  • New technologies for communications professionals
  • Public affairs, advocacy, issue management
  • Reputation management
  • Social media channels
  • Videos, podcasts virtual & augmented reality
  • Volunteer/member engagement
  • Workplace/personal wellness

Session Format: 
Successful session can use one of several formats or presentation methods including case study, expert panel discussion, lecture/presentation with Q&A, and an interactive presentation (i.e., a presentation with hands-on activities, gaming, etc.). A session can be led by an individual, a team of presenters, or a panel. Presentations based on a case study should do more than tell an interesting story; they should include specific takeaways and lessons learned.  

Regardless of the format used, the session should include some steps to engage or involve the audience. That’s one of the keys for sustaining the audience’s interest and keeping them from checking the time or their email. So, include some interactive elements, e.g., poll questions, quiz-like questions, or a problem to solve. In addition, give the audience a chance to ask questions by pausing periodically and/or at the conclusion of your presentation.

Lastly, all sessions should conclude with a brief recap of the main points or takeaways and the steps/actions audience members can take to put the main points to work after the conference.

Evaluation Criteria:
In reviewing the submissions, our evaluators will be applying the criteria below:




  • Does the session focus on a topic/subject that is important to association/nonprofit communication professionals?
  • Does the proposed session fulfill our mission to provide attendees with new ideas, skills, strategies and tactics, and/or tools?

Appeal to Attendees

  • Will the session appeal to association/nonprofit communication professionals?
  • Is the audience for the session well-defined and will the session as proposed interest the intended audience?

Practical Value

  • Are the learning objectives specific and attainable?
  • If the learning objectives are fulfilled, will the session provide the audience with ideas, skills, strategies and tactics, and/or tools they can apply to the benefit of their organization?

Engage Attendees & Sustain Their Interest

  • Does the proposal describe specific steps the presenter(s) will take to engage audience members and sustain their interest?

Presenter Qualifications

  • Demonstrated expertise and experience in the subject matter to be covered during the session.
  • Some level of familiarity with and/or understanding of the challenges – in particular, the communications challenges – faced by association/nonprofit communications professionals.
  • Past speaking experience involving the subject matter and/or or association/nonprofit communications.


Submit your proposal

All proposals must be submitted electronically using this form by Monday, Aug. 9, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern).
For questions, contact Bill Madway, 2021 ANP Section Conference Chair, at wmmadway@gmail.com.