Corporate Communications Section OLD
The Corporate Communications (Corp. Comm) Section is made up of nearly 1,200 public relations and communication practitioners who are responsible for external communications and serve as the voice of their organization. These Section members understand that corporate communication is changing rapidly, as technology and a 24-hour news cycle demand greater transparency with regard to everything from a corporation’s finances to its social responsibility and sustainable business practices.
Members of this Section understand the unique challenges that you face and are willing to share solutions though networking opportunities, teleseminars, webinars, in-person events, resources, and an online community.
If you are already a PRSA member and looking to join this Section mid-year, please call the Member Services department at (212) 460-1400 or email:
Corporate Communications Impact24 Conference
Nonmember Resources
*This is a sneak peek at Member Resources. Join this Section for full access.
Related Learning
Tuesday, February 4
Session One:
- Discussion of the concept of Strategic Communications, its building blocks.
- Examples of great Strategic Communications over time.
- Breakout session: a 15-minute discussion to discuss building blocks, barriers and overcoming them with a report-out session by each group.
Thursday, February 6
Session Two:
- A deep dive into the seven key touchpoints of Strategic Communication, with Q&A after each.
- Case study to practice applying touchpoints with report-out sessions
Thursday, February 13
Session Three:
Real-time application of Strategic Communication strategies with workshop participants’ challenges and opportunities (submitted between Session 2 and 3) for group analysis, building of recommendations.