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Independent Practitioners Alliance
6th Annual VirtuCon

The Business of the Business

Sept. 28, 2020 | 12 Noon -4 :30 p.m. EDT

Join us as we celebrate the 6th anniversary of our annual IPA VirtuCon. Founded as a virtual event long before the COVID-19 pandemic made virtual the norm, VirtuCon was designed specifically for the busy indie! Participants will spend the afternoon exploring “the business of the business” – working ON the business instead of IN it. You’ll hear first-hand from experts who can answer your questions and allay your fears about running your own indie practice. Stay tuned for more exciting details.


* * * All times are approximate and subject to change * * *

If you are not attending all sessions live, we recommend you login 10 minutes prior to the session(s) you are attending to ensure you don’t miss anything.


Noon EDT
Welcome, Housekeeping, Announcements

12:15 p.m. EDT
Opening Session
Building Trust Through Vulnerability and Belonging

Jay Morgan-Schleuning, APR, CPRC
Principal, Strategic Advisor & Leadership Coach Authentic Reputations, LLC

The next generation of stakeholders expects something new in businesses and organizations. They need to feel like they belong. Companies that want to thrive in the coming years must change to win the support of Generation Z. It is the loneliest and least trusting generation, but you can win them over.

Strategic advisor and leadership coach Jay Morgan-Schleuning, APR, CPRC will demonstrate how leaders can open safe spaces where people can be themselves. Learn how he is overcoming his own struggles with belonging through vulnerability and the three-step process organizations can use to cultivate a feeling of belongingness in this inspirational opening session.

1 p.m. EDT
Session 1
The Human Brand

Chris Malone
Founder and Chairman of Fidelum Partners

2 p.m. EDT
Session 2
Rembrandts in the Attic: Finding, Protecting and Leveraging Hidden Assets in Your Business

Nicole Galli
Founder & Managing Member, ND Galli Law LLC

Studies show that intellectual property (IP), things like trademarks, copyrights, patents, and trade secrets, represent over 85% of the value of all businesses.  Many business owners recognize that their brand is a trademark and may be worthy of protection (someday), but beyond that, many businesses do not believe they have IP worth protecting.  This is a mistake.  Devaluing these key assets in your business can not only put your IP at risk but leave additional sources of revenue on the table.  
Every business has many different kinds of valuable IP, if you know where to look for it. In this session you will learn how to identify the hidden IP assets – the Rembrandts in the Attic - in your business and ways that you can protect them to help your business.  You will also come away with:

  • A better understanding of the various forms of intellectual property (IP) customarily found in a public relations business;
  • A road map for how to prioritize protection of these valuable assets; and
  • An appreciation for why services like Legal Zoom and other DIY alternatives may not be the most cost-effective solutions in the long run.

2:45 p.m. EDT
Session 3
The Modern Practitioner Influencer: How to build your business utilizing your biggest competitive edge    

Paige Budde Velasquez
Partner and CEO Zilker Media

3:50–4:20 p.m. EDT
Closing Session

Tony Jenkins
Market President, Florida Blue

4:20–4:30 p.m. EDT
Thank you/Wrap Up 

* * * All times are approximate and subject to change * * *