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2025 Call for Presentations



PRSA 2025 Travel and Tourism Conference
June 2-5, 2025 | Tampa, FL


Submission Deadline: 5 p.m. EDT Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024


Conference Overview

The PRSA Travel and Tourism Conference will be held on June 2-5, 2025, at the JW Marriott Tampa Water Street in Tampa, FL. Presented by the PRSA Travel and Tourism Section, the annual conference brings together key media and professional development experts to address the evolving changes in the media and public relations landscape. The 2025 conference will bring the opportunity to gather, reconnect and seek timely strategies, resources and diverse perspectives to thrive and excel in the industry. Submit your innovative and compelling presentation proposal online here

Application Timeline

Please submit all information through our online form  no later than 5 p.m. EDT Thursday, Sept. 12. Applicants will be notified of final selections via email in November 2024.

Application Instructions and Rules

Proposals should outline 45- to 50-minute breakout sessions/curated panels or 1.5-hour workshops that focus on timely and relevant topics in travel and tourism communications. Presentations and/or workshops may be conducted by an individual, a panel of experts and/or as an interactive session. 

The focus should be on fresh approaches to public relations topics that target mid-level and senior-level practitioners. Topics could include strategic planning, advocacy, working with media and digital influencers, measurement, integrated communications campaigns, crisis communications, diversity, research, emerging trends, productivity, management, career advancement as well as the latest tools and technologies. Visit the 2024 conference programming here for recent examples.

When possible, proposals should highlight presentation or workshop elements and/or presenter experience that aligns PRSA's mission of advancing the profession through diversity, advocacy, ethics, or the global reach of PR and communications.

Presentations from vendors will be considered only if they are unbiased, educational, informative and innovative. Presenters must refrain from any content that could be considered a sales pitch. Pitches for a specific commercial service or product will not be considered. Note that session proposals do not need to be completely fleshed out to be considered, but please provide as many details of the concept/idea as possible.

Please provide complete contact details for references.

Accepted Presenters and Proposals: Potential Actions

The Travel and Tourism Section Executive Committee reserves the right to request potential presenters’ participation in general panel sessions in lieu of their proposed session.

Presented Sessions Following Conference

Presenter presentations will be collected and made available to conference attendees and Travel and Tourism Section members after the conference. Handouts are appreciated and will be posted online.

Presenter Expenses and Compensation

For proposals that are accepted session presenters are offered a special discounted registration rate of $395 for the conference, which includes the full program and all catered functions. Accepted session presenters are responsible for all out-of-pocket expenses such as hotel stay and airfare. However, if you are selected/recommended to present a workshop (which is a longer program and content commitment) additional concessions will be provided.

Sponsorship Opportunities

A number of targeted sponsorship and member engagement opportunities are available. Prospective sponsors should connect with Matthew Maxey, sponsorship chair, via email or at (615) 550-8696; Greta Libby  PRSA events manager, via email or at (212) 460-1400, or the PRSA sponsorship team via email.


Contact Vada Wilson, PRSA professional interest direct, via email or at (212) 460-1400, or Joleen Zanuzoski, PRSA 2025 Travel and Tourism Section chair, via  email.