Mindy Bianca

Mindy Bianca owns and operates Mindy Bianca Public Relations (mbpr!), a boutique PR agency that serves clients in the travel and tourism industry. Mindy brings more than 25 years of experience in this specialized field of PR.
In past jobs, she has overseen PR efforts for the state of Maryland’s tourism office and Hershey Entertainment & Resorts, so she’s equally happy at a crab feast or surrounded by chocolate cream pies.
She holds dual degrees in print journalism and broadcast communications and began her career as a journalist, working in television, radio, newspapers and magazines -- including stints as a travel reporter and editor -- before shifting gears and pursuing a career on the other side of the cameras, microphones and notebooks.
Mindy launched her own agency in 2016. In less than five years, the company has grown to include four other team members who work together to support clients around the world. The agency specializes in media relations, forging and maintaining relationships with hundreds of journalists who specialize in everything from culinary travel to family adventures.
Mindy is a former chair of PRSA’s Travel and Tourism Section.