Christopher Boyle

headshot of Christopher Boyle
Boyle’s current duties include providing 24/7 news media coverage and communications guidance to the system’s president and CEO as well as overseeing media relations and crisis communications for Bristol Health.  
Throughout his career, Boyle has successfully pitched dozens of news stories that have appeared locally and nationally in such media outlets as USA Today, CNN and dozens of network affiliates across the country. Prior to joining Bristol Health in January 2012, he served as the communications manager at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center in Hartford for 14 years. 
Boyle received his bachelor’s degree in journalism with a concentration in public relations from Southern Connecticut State University, and his associate’s degree in communication arts from Middlesex Community College. He is Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certified and also is a certified public information officer with the United States Department of Homeland Security, National Incident Management System. 
Boyle is a member of numerous professional organizations and committees including the Connecticut Hospital Association’s Communications Executives Committee which he chairs. He also serves on the Committee on Government for the CHA Board of Trustees.  
In 2014, Boyle was elected to the Executive Committee of the Public Relations Society of America’s Health Academy where he serves as co-chair of the Health Academy’s Programing Committee. Additionally, he is the recipient of two Mercury Awards from the Connecticut Chapter of PRSA in the Media Relations category; one for Bristol Hospital’s efforts in combating the opioid epidemic, and the second for the Bristol Health’s Hospitals Against Violence Event.


Director of Public Relations Bristol Health in Bristol, Conn.