Lauren Gay

Lauren Gay is the creator of Misadventures of an Outdoorsy Diva Blog, host/producer of the Outdoorsy Diva Podcast, published photographer, speaker, and CEO of Lauren R. Gay Consulting where she offers professional consulting services for blogs and podcasts, courses, as well as curated group and individual adventure trips.
She is a travel writer and social media influencer who is passionate about inspiring and empowering black women to step out of their comfort zones for new experiences in travel and adventure and embracing nature as therapy. Lauren is also a dedicated long time advocate for racial diversity and inclusion in outdoor recreation and adventure travel and a founding member of the Black Travel Alliance.
Lauren has been featured as 2020 USA Today Readers Choice Top 10 Adventure Travel Expert, on ABC News national syndicate, Huffington Post Travel, Conde Naste, Outdoor Families Online, Tampa Bay Parenting, and BBC Earth.