Leticia Follett Pizzino

Leticia Follett Pizzino (photo)

Before beginning her storytelling consulting for corporations, Leticia Follett Pizzino fine-tuned her storytelling talents beginning in 1990 by telling stories to thousands nationwide at festivals, conferences, corporate events, schools, fairs and private parties. She also has recorded stories for CD ROM, radio, television and film, and she has performed in theater. In 2023 she earned her MA in communication and storytelling studies from East Tennessee State University. 

As AuthenticityPR’s chief storytelling officer and a creative who understands the science of story, she trains corporations on how to use stories to truly connect with and win over the hearts and minds of all their stakeholders. Whether through telling, speaking, writing or training, she believes storytelling is a heart-to-heart endeavor. To learn more, visit her LinkedIn page: linkedin.com/in/leticiapizzino.


Chief Storytelling Officer AuthenticityPR