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Executive Leadership Certificate Program

The most effective executive leaders are much more than skilled managers. They are visionaries, strategists, influencers and motivators. They understand that emotional intelligence, authenticity and empowerment are as important as budgeting, forecasting and strategic planning.

Designed as an on-demand certificate of completion program, the Executive Leadership Certificate Program covers the key components needed to become a highly effective communications executive. Participants will learn how to lead with authenticity, emotional intelligence, inclusivity and strong ethics. They will better understand the behaviors they may display that are counterproductive to building trust, and how to effectively foster more trust in their teams. They will fine-tune their knowledge of how to conduct and implement strategic plans, keeping team members accountable for their roles. They will learn about budgeting, forecasting, resource management and how to effectively engage with financial experts — skills that are often elusive to communicators. This program also will dive into the future of communications, discussing new technologies and expanding communications channels.

This certificate program is designed for:

  • Managers and senior-level PR and communications professionals.
  • Any professional responsible for managing a team.
  • Leaders charged with advising other executives.
  • Professionals responsible for managing digital communications.
  • Marketing professionals.
  • Communicators with 10 or more years of experience.

By the end of this certificate program, participants will be able to: 

  • Apply leadership strategies across multiple organizational environments to drive stronger results in a faster, more efficient manner.
  • Articulate an authentic leadership philosophy and the role it plays in building effective strategies and a vibrant working environment.
  • Understand how personal investment with continuous learning builds successful leaders. 
  • Enhance leadership skills to build stronger team trust and collaboration in pursuit of a more productive and efficient organization.
  • Strengthen mental, emotional, and tactical skills to enhance leadership successes with all/any publics, clients or teams.


 Full Course
(All 5 Modules)
PRSA Members$825$195

Learning Modules in this Course

Click on the titles below to read more about each module.

Module 1
Preeminent Leadership: Leading With Authenticity

In this module, participants will gain an understanding of what leading with authenticity, self-awareness and emotional intelligence looks like in practice and how it drives a culture of trust, collaboration and efficiency. 

By the end of this module, participants will: 

  • Understand the thoughts and emotions that drive their behavior.
  • Understand the key components of emotional intelligence and how to practice and grow in each area.
  • Gain insight into the behaviors that positively and negatively affect trust.
  • Understand why trust is so crucial for collaboration and efficiency, and how to build trusting relationships.

Module 2
Prominence Leadership: Leading Your Team Effectively

In this module, participants will learn how to build an effective, inclusive, dynamic team, leading others with assertive, confident communication and sticking to values/ethics in good times and bad.

By the end of this module, participants will: 

  • Understand how assertive, confident communication can be used to effectively keep team members aligned and accountable. 
  • Know how to assess the levels of inclusivity and address microaggressions or bullying behavior.
  • Be equipped to navigate the gray areas of ethics and use personal and company values to guide behavior and role model for others.
  • Understand the research behind confident body language, how to practice it and how it enhances executive performance. 

Module 3
Proficient Leadership: Understanding Financial Matters

In this module, participants will learn the basics of budgeting, forecasting, reporting, ROI, resource management and terminology to properly engage with financial experts.

By the end of this module, participants will: 

  • Understand what budget considerations should be part of the strategic planning process.
  • Know the core components of effective forecasting and reporting. 
  • Learn how to calculate ROI and properly manage resources.
  • Understand how to more effectively communicate with financial professionals.

Module 4
Precision Leadership: Strategic Planning and Executive Accountability

In this module, participants will gain an understanding of strategic planning and how to reach strategic goals through executive accountability, advocacy and empowerment.

By the end of this module, participants will:

  • Be able to create a strategic plan that is specific, actionable and trackable.
  • Understand how to keep themselves and others accountable to strategic planning goals. 
  • Appreciate how sponsorship/advocacy differs from mentoring, coaching and managing others.
  • Understand the research on how to motivate and empower others to build team accountability.

Module 5
Principled Leadership: The Future of Communication

In this module, participants will gain an understanding of what the future of communications may bring — new technologies, AI, expanding communications channels and new ways to utilize data analytics.

By the end of this module, participants will:

  • Identify new technologies that could help communications executives now and in the future:
  • The future of communications in marketing without third-party cookies — understanding the need for communicators to leverage first-party data effectively, possibly utilizing software to identify their average customer based on data.
  • Learn more about AI and its role/limitations for communicators.
  • Be aware of the expanding communications channels and how to best utilize them.
  • Understand data analytics and the latest measurement techniques to help communicators track sentiment, attitudes and business outcomes. 

Course Length

Course Duration: Approximately 5 hours
Module Duration: Approximately 45–60 minutes



Participants with the APR credential earn 0.5 renewal CEUs for each completed module of this course, for a total of 2.5 CEUs. Learn more about Accreditation.

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