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Nationally Affiliated Firms

PRSSA National Affiliation: Credibility Through UnityThe following firms represent the most accomplished and successful Student-run Firms operated by PRSSA Chapters. Firms with this designation have successfully gone through an application process to ensure the firm is soundly based in three areas: a solid PRSSA/PRSA connection, a high level of professionalism and an effective structure.


    1853 Communications

    Arcadia University

    1910 PR

    West Texas A&M University

    Allen Hall Public Relations

    University of Oregon

    Alpha Productions

    University of Florida


    University of West Georgia

    Bluestone Communications

    James Madison University

    Boiler Communication

    Purdue University

    Capstone Agency

    The University of Alabama

    Eagle Communications

    American University

    Firma PR

    Universidad de San Martín de Porres


    Grand Valley State University

    Grehan Associates

    University of Kentucky

    Hill Communications

    Syracuse University

    ImPRint Communications

    Lousiana State University

    Jacht Agency

    University of Nebraska - Lincoln


    University of Nebraska at Omaha

    Panther Communications

    Clark Atlanta University


    Rowan University

    PR Intelligence Lab

    Brigham Young University

    PRowl Public Relations

    Temple University


    University of Southern California


    Texas Tech University


    Texas Christian University

    Shadow PR

    Monmouth University

    The Carolina Agency

    University of South Carolina

    The McKinley Avenue Agency

    Ball State University

    The Oaks Agency

    Auburn University

    The PRactice

    The Ohio State University


    Rutgers University

    Titan Public Relations

    California State University, Fullerton

    Top Dog Communication

    University of Indianapolis

    Tower Communication

    West Virginia State University

    True North PR

    Ohio Northern University

    Unleashed PR

    Boston University