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Member Benefits

Getting an education means more than earning a degree. Employers are looking for experience, achievements and practical knowledge of the profession, all of which PRSSA can help you obtain.

Join PRSSA now for $55 and get access to tools that will help you launch your career, broaden your network and enhance your education.

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Enhance Your Education


PRSSA offers you a variety of opportunities to expand your portfolio. Work for high profile clients as you implement a campaign in one of PRSSA’s many public relations case study competitions. Search the PRSA JobCenter to see a listing of internship openings nationwide. Start or join a Student-run Firm on your campus. Be published in the PRSSA Progressions blog or run for office as a Chapter or National leader.


As a PRSSA member, you can apply for many scholarships and leadership awards provided by the PRSA Foundation that recognize your excellence and provide funding to help you get through school.


PRSSA provides you with information about the profession through its events, newsletters and blog, and gives you access to webinars, publications and case studies for professionals that can help you research best practices and stay abreast of industry trends.

Where To Study

Experience, achievement and opportunities to learn are multiplied when you choose to study at a school that has an exceptional public relations program. Search for schools that have a PRSSA Chapter or review a list of schools that are PRSA certified for offering an outstanding public relations education.

See Full List

  • Events - Network, learn and interact with public relations students from around the country at PRSSA events like International Conference,  Leadership Assembly and District Conferences.
  • Scholarships and Awards - Be recognized for your accomplishments or let us help fund your education with over $30,000 worth of scholarships and awards that PRSSA offers students each year.
  • Publications and Media - Stay current on industry news and the latest trends in public relations through PRSSA and PRSA publications and media resources.
    • Strategies & Tactics is PRSA’s all-new monthly newspaper. The publication will help you stay up to date with the latest news and best practices, covering everything from crisis communications to social media to reputation management.
    • Issues & Trends, a PRSA daily email, sent to your inbox every morning with the latest headlines, updates and relevant industry information
    • Progressions is PRSSA’s national blog where you can hear from fellow students about what’s going on in the industry and things you might have missed.  Progressions also gives you the opportunity to practice writing and add a valuable skill to your résumé.
  • Bateman Competition - Apply what you’ve learned in the classroom, add to your portfolio and work with high-profile clients by taking the opportunity to compete in one of our many case study competitions.
  • Leadership - Add to your résumé and gain valuable leadership skills by running for office in your Chapter, Student-run Firm or the PRSSA National Committee.
  • Case Studies - Use your complimentary access to award-winning public relations case studies for help with your homework or to simply enhance your education.
  • PRSA Webinars - PRSSA members gain complimentary access to select PRSA webinars throughout the year.
  • MyPRSA - All members are issued a MyPRSA login to access the Internship Center, register for PRSA webinars and National events, access PRSA case studies and much more. Your MyPRSA login information can be found on the login page by clicking the “Retrieve it” button.

Broaden Your Network

  • Social Media - Start discussions and connect with PRSSA members from all over by plugging in to PRSSA social media. Use our hashtag to follow the conversation: #PRSSA.
  • PRSA Sponsor Chapters - Meet current professionals, ask questions and get professional advice through your Chapter’s PRSA sponsor Chapter.
  • Champions for PRSSA - Browse the Champions for PRSSA Directory to find a network of professionals dedicated to supporting PRSSA members and your education.


PRSA Member Directory

PRSA is is the leading professional organization serving the communications community, and one way PRSA connects you to communications professionals in almost every practice area is through its member directory. Login to MyPRSA to access the directory.

The directory is a tool to help members build professional relationships. As a PRSSA member, the directory can help you in the following ways:

  • Finding speakers and presenters for Chapter meetings and events.
  • Setting up informational interviews to learn more about public relations in a particular specialty or in a new city or region.
  • Contacting a professional with a particular expertise to discuss a class project.
  • Reconnecting with a professional who you met at a PRSA or PRSSA event.

Note: The contact information of PRSA members listed in the directory are expressly intended for informational purposes or to communicate informally with other members, but are not to be used for any commercial or research purposes whatsoever.

If you have a question about the PRSA Member Directory, contact PRSSA Headquarters.

Launch Your Career

  • PRSA Jobcenter - Browse career resources and search for public relations employment opportunities all over the world with PRSA Jobcenter.
  • PRSSA Internship Center - Get job-hunting tips, upload your résumé and find the most recent internship opportunities through the PRSSA Internship Center.
  • PRSA Associate Membership - Start networking and get connected to 20,000 public relations professionals when you join PRSA as an Associate Member for only $60 up to five months before or two years after graduation.
  • PRSA New Professionals Section - The PRSA New Professional Section is a great way to connect with other public relations and communications professionals who have been in the industry for less than five years, allowing you to communicate the unique struggles new pros face as well as gain knowledge and insight through webinars, mentoring and more benefits that PRSA offers.
  • Certificate in Principles of Public Relations - Stand out from the competition by becoming certified in the principles of public relations; an accreditation employers are always impressed to see.

To learn more about what PRSSA can do for you and how to take advantage of all your PRSSA member benefits, contact the vice president of member services.