Amplifying the Movement: Travel Media's Relationship to the BIPOC Community

April 28 – June 16, 2021

Is your brand around for the moment, or the movement? COVID-19 shined a universal spotlight on all industries when it comes to their relationship to the Black community. The same can be said for our present state and our Asian community. The death of George Floyd was the catalyst to an international reckoning that has every industry asking themselves: What is our relationship to the BIPOC community? On this panel we speak with top travel media outlets, on what the last year has been like amplifying the BIPOC travel community, and what allyship looks like moving forward.
Evita Robinson
Evita Robinson

Founder, NOMADNESS Travel Tribe


Amy Alipio
Amy Alipio

Assistant Managing Editor, Nat Geo Travel


Bree Frank
Bree Frank

Founder, Hue You Know


Jacqueline Gifford
Jacqueline Gifford

Editor-in-Chief, Travel + Leisure
