Walking the Talk: Reimagining Marketing & Communications Role in DEI

August 3, 2021 11:00 a.m.

As colleges and universities across the country struggle to become more diverse and inclusive, those working in marketing and communications are caught in the middle of messaging what is real and what is aspirational, often sacrificing authenticity in the process. Still, higher education as an industry is making progress. This interactive session will share recent data on where communicators serving the social sector stand with integrating DEI and ask you to consider how you and your teams are or are not making progress. We’ll also examine how putting psychographics at the center of your communications strategy can help move beyond demographics to appeal to the human characteristics that transcend ethnicity and drive emotional decisions.       

Russell_Yost_Headshot_2021_web (002)
Russell Yost

Senior Director for Marketing and Communications , University of Washington


Renea_Morris_2020_-07943-1final big (1)
Renea Morris, M.Ed., APR, Fellow PRSA

Vice Chancellor for Marketing and Communications, University of Denver


Eric Page

, Carnegie Dartlet
