Get These Pubs On Your Radar

June 16, 2021 1:30 PM – 2:25 p.m.

We are all guilty of it... only pitching publications that directly speak to our main focus--travel. Now more than ever, with limited options for travel stories and content in the current pandemic media landscape, we need fresh strategies. There are so many publications and platforms for telling your travel brand story. In this session you'll hear from writers and editors from publications that are likely not on your radar, but should be.

- How and when to pitch travel focused stories to non-travel publications/outlets
- What could be considered as travel-related content
- Understand these outlets’ audiences and how to best reach them
Kevin Max
Kevin Max

Editor, 1859 Oregon Magazine


Marjorie Korn_
Marjorie Korn

Freelance, Men's Journal


Brian Underwood
Brian Underwood

Beauty + Wellness Director , Oprah Magazine
