The PRSA Technology Section is a group of communicators who perform public relations (PR) or marketing activities for a broad range of technology companies, organizations and educational institutions. We focus on the dynamic, complex and specialized dimensions of technology communications that are compounded by the rapid pace of product evolution, making it challenging for public relations professionals to keep pace.


About Us

About Us

The Technology Section offers opportunities to connect with practitioners who understand tech business issues and are willing to share solutions. Through in-person and virtual networking opportunities, newsletters and other resources, we help practitioners develop public relations and management skills directly relevant to the technology industry. Our members design and produce opportunities for learning and engagement throughout the year including webinars, social media channels, and numerous volunteer opportunities.

Section Member Resources on MyPRSA

Sample Resources for Nonmembers

Crisis communications in the technology world


Quarterly Section Newsletter

View Sample

How Do I Join?

If you are already a PRSA member and looking to join this Section, please call the Member Services department at (212) 460-1400 or email:

Not a PRSA member? Learn about the benefits and how to join PRSA here.

Join your colleagues at these organizations by taking advantage of our Section membership benefits now!

From the Chair

From the Chair

headshot of Jennifer Bly


Welcome to the PRSA Technology Section. As your 2025 Chair, I’m delighted to welcome you to this dynamic community that sits at the intersection of PR and technology. In our fast-paced, always-on society, strategic communication is more critical than ever in shaping how audiences perceive and adopt technological advancements.

Our Section is dedicated to empowering communicators in the technology space to stay ahead of trends, embrace emerging platforms, and navigate the unique challenges of this sector. Whether you’re aiming to stay ahead of the curve on latest tech, manage a crisis, break down complex concepts, or amplify a cutting-edge solution, we are here to support you with resources, insights, and a vibrant network of peers.

Throughout the year, we’ll be offering a variety of professional development opportunities, including webinars, member chats, and resources to help you refine your skills and connect with others in our field. As we look ahead to this year, I invite you to get involved. Share your expertise, ask questions, and build connections that will make us all better communicators.

Thank you for being part of our community!

Jennifer Bly
PRSA Technology Section Chair

Executive Committee

Technology Section Executive Committee

Your Executive Committee works to establish the Technology Section as the place for leaders and communicators to gather and share expertise and grow together. We do this with year-round programming and content development.


Jennifer Bly, APR
Marketing and Communications Director
The Linux Foundation
Nokesville, VA


Kathy Drury
Duncanville, TX

Immediate Past Chair

Marina Renneke, APR
Global Corporate Communications Senior Director
Blue Yonder
Phoenix, AZ


Diane Thieke, APR
Version A Corp.
Richmond, VA

Communication Chair

Amy Fisher, APR
VP, Technology
Minneapolis, MN

Program Chair

Susan Fortner, APR
BPR International
Columbus, OH

Membership Chair

Jacqueline Smith, APR
Communications and Technology Director
City of St. Louis Park
St. Louis Park, MN

Members at Large

Priscilla Thorne Tinsley
Americas PR Lead
Spring, TX

Eva Keiser, APR, Fellow PRSA
The Plural I
Minneapolis, MN

Rory Williams, APR
Director of Communications and Marketing
Rockefeller University Press
New York, NY

Heather Kay Smith, APR
Director, Corporate Communications & Brand
Koerber Supply Chain
Denver, CO

Technology Awards 

Technology PR Professional of the Year Award

The Technology PR Professional of the Year Award recognizes one outstanding PRSA Technology Section member who has demonstrated notable or outstanding service and/or contributions to: (1) the practice of technology public relations communications, (2) their employer or organization, and (3) the community. We accept self-nominations, as well as nominations by a PR professional who is familiar with the candidate’s accomplishments.

All current PRSA Technology Section members who have been a member of the Section in good standing are eligible for the award with two exceptions: the current year’s Executive Committee members and all previous honorees.

Nominations for 2025 are now open.

Download the submission form

Nominations are due by Friday, August 1, 2025