5 Hiring Trends to Track in 2023
By Christina Stokes
November 2022
As we near the end of the year, it's time to start looking at the recruiting and hiring trends that will follow us into the New Year. In 2023, similar challenges around attracting and retaining top talent will continue to be prevalent among employers across industries, including public relations. It’s time to plan for how to address these ongoing concerns and turn them into opportunities for improvement.
Let’s explore five recurring themes that I have seen much of in our profession throughout the pandemic and expect to see much more of as we head into Q1.
1. Shortages in desired talent
Employers across the PR profession continue to fight for visibility among a limited pool of available talent for their most urgent staffing needs. Applications are at an all-time low for posted jobs, and proactive outreach remains the most viable method of connecting with passive candidates.
We must consider that the required skills we are advertising for might be too specific in this climate, and some standard language that used to be common can really scare applicants away. If a candidate is coachable and willing to learn, then they might be worth the investment. Also, long and arduous application and interview processes are also leading detractors to be aware of next year.
2. Workplace flexibility
Many prospective employees are looking for more than just a competitive salary, as we have seen, with workplace flexibility at the top of the list for most professionals. One size does not fit all, and creative, thoughtful solutions that can be tailored to your workforce will be important. Some organizations have opted to remain fully remote; others have adopted hybrid plans; and some have shorted their workweeks altogether.
Ask yourself if it is worth it to lose a dedicated employee who is unable to make the commute to the workplace. We have to keep an open mind about both our hiring practices and the way we shape workplace policies going forward. “Flexibility” is no longer just a perk.
3. Retention
Many professionals are actively or passively considering new opportunities, so resignation levels may remain high going into the New Year. Maintaining employee engagement and satisfaction will be critical while business planning for 2023.
During the isolation period of the pandemic, people around the world were able to reevaluate their lives and what is most important to them. Employees are not afraid to voice their needs — and if necessary, resign — to have those expectations met elsewhere. Pay attention to the data to understand the reasons for departures and use those insights to think about how to lower attrition rates.
4. Virtual-first interviews
Most businesses had to rapidly adjust the way they hire talent, and that meant embracing technology and implementing virtual interviewing practices.
As workers return to their physical offices, much of what we learned has stuck. I expect virtual interviewing to remain prevalent, as it widens our candidate pools and provides opportunity for applicants who have diverse needs.
Traveling to and from interviews, taking time off work to have meetings, and making arrangements for the caregiving of their relatives and dependents, is a challenge for many people, so why not take that off of the table entirely? I say, embrace video!
5. Recruitment budgets
From applicant tracking systems, to job boards, to employer branding initiatives, to networking events, to industry memberships, to the salaries of internal talent professionals, to the fees of external staffing partners, budgets for recruitment tools have been on the rise — and I expect that will steadily increase throughout 2023.
Automated tools make some parts of the hiring process faster, but we will always need a human touch, too. Given the state of hiring, these are all worthy investments to remain competitive in tight candidate markets like those we see in the PR profession.
There is a lot here to unpack, but if I leave you with anything, let it be this: Stay informed and be open to change. Have a great rest of 2022, and (though I am a bit early) Happy New Year!