6 Principles for a Healthier and Happier Workforce
By Amy Jacques
June-July 2024
The documentary series “Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” with Dan Buettner helped show how people can live longer, healthier lives with a focus on nutrition, movement, purpose and strong social networks within intergenerational communities.
These tips for health and well-being can also be applied to the workplace, according to an article from Entrepreneur.
When you have a healthy workforce, there is higher morale, greater productivity, more employee satisfaction, and increased levels of retention and loyalty, the article says. Beyond the regions referred to as Blue Zone, these values are relevant to workplace communities where people can age in healthy way and have their own cultures and rituals that can boost well-being and longevity, or negatively impact health.
Many companies provide meals and refreshments as employee benefits, but these are commonly processed snacks and junk food. Eating too much of this on the job can lead to health issues and less productivity.
Instead, the article says, “workplaces can encourage healthy eating habits by providing healthier food options and by getting creative with nutrition education and food that brings people together in workplace cafés and business meetings,” like employees enjoying juices or smoothies together in the morning.
Another important principle is integrating purpose into your work, strategy and company culture. This can help employees connect with important things that matter to them, like “contributing to meaningful causes, working to improve their community or designing products and services that improve people’s lives.”
Many Blue Zone inhabitants focus on their local community, living and working harmoniously with people of all ages, often in a multigenerational home. As the workforce currently spans five generations, there’s an opportunity to connect and learn from each other in this space too — sharing institutional knowledge while also growing and practicing new ways of thinking.
Another key ingredient is maintaining a focus on community and connection — online and in person. When employees work together, focus on healthy habits and learn to manage stress, they usually have a more positive attitude and are also more productive.
Beyond practicing mindfulness and exercising, employers can support their staff by offering workplace wellness programs and health benefits and encouraging work-life balance.
Here are six principles for nurturing a healthier, happier workforce inspired by the Blue Zones, via Entrepreneur.
1. Provide nutritious food options.
2. Instill a sense of purpose in the work.
3. Foster intergenerational connections.
4. Encourage community building and collaboration.
5. Provide stress management resources.
6. Model health yourself.