A Summer Special
By John Elsasser
June-July 2021
For this June/July edition of Strategies & Tactics, we cover a variety of topics, offering instructive how-to pieces related to branding, social media, business acumen, corporate messaging, internal communication, culture and misinformation/disinformation, among other subjects.
This issue also includes YourPRSA, our pull-out directory with contact information for the more than 100 Chapter, District and Section leaders across the country. This is a helpful resource for making new connections and expanding your network.
As we planned this issue several months back, it was challenging to know exactly where we’d be as the country continues to ease out of the pandemic with vaccinations rates increasing and positivity cases decreasing.
And so, returning to the physical office has become a top-of-mind topic for professionals in all sectors and specialty areas, providing challenges and opportunities for leaders, HR staff and employee communicators.
As some employees go back to offices and others continue to stay at home, companies are setting new rules and expectations for hybrid work. As The Wall Street Journal recently reported, JPMorgan Chase is allowing some staffers to schedule work-from-home days, but not on Mondays or Fridays. At Salesforce.com, Thursdays are the most popular in-office day, creating high demand for meeting rooms and collaboration spaces.
An Accenture survey of 9,000 workers at different companies around the world finds that 83 percent of respondents consider hybrid office spaces optimal. But at PricewaterhouseCoopers, executives worry that employees who stay remote could become second-class corporate citizens who fall behind in promotions and pay. (The company plans to track advancement rates.)
Accounting giant PwC plans to frequently poll its staff to learn what is working and what isn’t. “We’ll make a lot of little mistakes, I can promise you that,” PwC U.S. Chairman Tim Ryan told the paper. “My goal is not to wake up a year from now and find out we made a major mistake.”
Changing your mailing address
Regardless of your work status, you can receive upcoming print issues of Strategies & Tactics at your preferred address. To make a change, please visit your MyPRSA settings and follow these three simple steps: Under “Contact information,” add your new info for “My Home Address.” Select the two buttons for “Preferred Mail” and “Preferred Billing Address” in this same section. Click submit to update.
Update your profile by July 12 to receive the August edition at a new location. If you have any issues, please email helpdesk@prsa.org.
Celebrating Pride Month
In recognition of Pride Month, J.W. Arnold, APR, Fellow PRSA, offers perspectives for communicators on the conversations taking place within the LGBTQ+ community.
For more Pride-related editorial, please visit our blog, PRsay. In June, PRSA member Crystal Borde offered valuable insights on using preferred pronouns.
She writes: “As communicators, we have the opportunity right now to change the way our language and content represents and includes LGBTQ+ identity communities by simply asking for and using preferred pronouns. That adjustment alone will help us do better and support more people feeling seen, valued and respected.”
Ben Finzel contributes what he calls his “Guide to Pride Without Pandering,” a checklist for you to follow when considering how best to engage around Pride. As he warns: “If you’re tempted to post a rainbow flag photo on your company’s social media feeds and call it a day, don’t.”
I hope that you enjoy your summer — personally and professionally. And thank you for continuing to be part of PRSA.