Attaining Buoyancy This Summer
By Mark Mohammadpour, APR, Fellow PRSA
June 2023
It’s a warm Tuesday morning in the middle of summer. You’ve given yourself the flexibility to have a little rest and relaxation in between meetings and deliverables. It’s just you on a giant flamingo float in a swimming pool — suntan lotion applied, sunglasses on and drinks in hand as you tune out the world and tune into how you’re feeling — positive, upbeat, energized.
You’re attaining — literal and metaphorical — buoyancy.
Lately, I’ve been fixated on the word buoyancy. Typically, we think about the word in terms of floating or as it relates to the economy or stock market. But I’ve been focused on a third definition: “an optimistic or cheerful disposition.”
At times, it’s difficult to be optimistic or cheerful. Many challenges are thrown at us as PR professionals, parents, children, friends and volunteers.
For some of us, our jobs are about sharing positive messages with our publics. For others, we’re brand protectors. For others, it’s about handing crises every day. The diversity of our work is one of many things I love about our profession.
At the same time, our work can and does impact our well-being. Whether it’s the long hours, the people we work with or the work itself, it can be emotionally, mentally and physically draining.
In this Strategies & Tactics issue focusing on health and wellness, you’ll read articles giving you many great ideas on prioritizing your well-being.
As you go through the ideas in the issue, please consider how taking action will help you attain buoyancy this summer and beyond. Examples might include:
- Setting boundaries so you’re not working 10 hours straight without a break
- Taking actionable steps to build trust with your key stakeholders so you feel confident you can be away without fear of retribution
- Feeling empowered to look for a new job or take on a new set of clients you advocate for
- Creating a mindset of how your actions — whether it’s taking a vacation or prioritizing your mental or physical health — show up in front of your family, friends, bosses, colleagues and clients
- Learning how to help the next generation of PR professionals become trusted advisors while at the same time protecting their well-being
My goal for you this summer is to use the great lessons in this issue to find your path to attaining buoyancy.
Please reach out and let me know the steps you’re taking to prioritize your well-being.
In the meantime, have a safe, healthy and buoyant summer!