Deciding Between 2 Job Offers
By Christina Stokes
October 2020
It is exhilarating to have more than one job offer in front of you. If this is you, then congratulations! Making a critical decision about where you’ll be spending the next several years of your career is not to be taken lightly. You want to make a choice that will excite you, but there are many factors to consider when deciding between job offers. Following these essential steps may alleviate some of the inevitable pressure of the decision-making process for you.
Confirm receipt of each offer in a timely manner, and make your lists.
Be gracious when a job offer is presented to you. Get everything you need in writing, and ask for a reasonable amount of time to review the offer and all accompanying materials. Recommend a date to follow up with questions and respond to the offer if one isn’t provided to you. Then, make a list of your long-term career goals, and weigh each job accordingly. Review everything that you have learned about a role and the requirements, learning, mentorship and growth opportunities.
If you want to learn new skills and be challenged, then consider which role affords more of that. Will the day to day of the job bring you professional satisfaction and keep you on your desired career path? Create a separate side-by-side comparison list, too.
Compare the earning potential and benefits offered.
While salary may not be the only deciding factor, earning potential is significant to the decision. Look at what the companies are offering you financially, including any bonus potential. Be sure to review the benefits, as well as any other perks that are significant. Think about things like vacation time, health plans, 401(k), education reimbursement and family leave.
Look for opportunities to negotiate regarding salary and benefits. You can’t always put a dollar sign on happiness, but you do want to be comfortable with both your take-home and quality of life.
Carefully consider the unique cultures of each organization.
During your interview process, you have hopefully gotten a taste of each firm’s culture. Which organization aligns with you in terms of collaboration, support and flexibility? What are the company’s values?
Consider management style, review processes, learning opportunities and even dress code. Is the firm involved in philanthropic initiatives? Do people feel happy and pumped to go into the office every day? Will you interact with a diverse and interesting group of people and clients? Check out each organization on Glassdoor for some feedback from current and former employees.
Look at leadership, and more specifically, who your manager will be.
You may love your job, but if you can’t strike up a great professional relationship with your manager, then it can wear on you. Look at the person you would be expected to report to, and look into the management of the firm overall.
Which manager will check more of the critical boxes for you? Can they serve as a mentor, challenge you to build your skills, offer great feedback and constructive guidance, and still be an inspiring, forward-thinking team leader?
Consider all the logistics and details.
What will your commute be like each way? Is there work from home flexibility? What are dining options like in the area? How much travel is required for the role? Are there necessary accommodations available for you if you have a disability? Is the workplace set up in a manner that is comfortable for you? Will you have the tools that you need to do your job well? Did you like, and click with, the people that you met?
The answers to these questions impact our personal lives, too, and it’s smart to have a good idea about what to expect. Do your research.
Submit a professional rejection, as well as your acceptance.
In the end, trust your intuition. You can research everything and a role may still not end up being the right fit in the long run. When all your research is done, all your questions are answered and you’ve talked it through with someone you trust, then you are ready to decide.
In a timely manner, professionally tell the company that you did not choose what your final decision is. Thank them for their time and interest. Be kind and genuine. Trust that you are making the best choice for yourself and where you are in your life. Make the most of it.
Good luck with your decision and your new job!