The Impact of the Pandemic on Health Care PR
By Emily Brice
August 2021
The coronavirus has dominated the headlines for more than a year, impacting every area of health care communications and media relations. From oncology and mental wellness to telemedicine and preventive care, everything has taken a backseat to the pandemic.
Although the United States is in an interesting transition phase as vaccinated citizens resume pre-pandemic activities like travel and in-person gatherings, COVID-19 will remain a driving news factor in the media, especially from a global health perspective.
Testing, treatments, rates of infection, the need for booster shots, protection from variants, vaccine research in pediatrics and vaccine distribution to developing nations are just some of the many potential stories that will dominate the media landscape for the foreseeable future.
Understanding all the changes caused by the coronavirus, particularly for PR professionals in the health care and life sciences industries, is critical for strategic planning and successful communications.
There are many learnings that we can use to adapt our work to the post-pandemic society, as well as new themes and insights that help us to continue shining a light on these ever-growing industries.
Break through the clutter.
In the world of health care public relations, especially related to pharmaceutical research and clinical trials, communication teams always need to have clear, accurate and concise information tailored to their audiences. For medical professionals, the explanations should be in-depth and specific; for the public and patient populations, information needs to be top-line, focusing on results and access.
With the intense spotlight on COVID-19, public interest in the specific science behind health care news has increased significantly. The demand for information about clinical research and public health has been growing for years as the internet democratized access to content.
However, the pandemic created an even greater demand, increasing the pressure for accurate and timely information. To break through the clutter of pandemic coverage, PR pros in pharma and biotech need to provide greater detail about clinical trials, including the technology’s scientific mechanism of action, as well as project status, timing and funding resources.
One of the best ways to differentiate your news is to have the right messenger. Utilizing an engaging and charismatic spokesperson is a highly effective tactic. Dr. Anthony Fauci became a household name after his leadership and communication skills were continually broadcast to Americans as he addressed the state of the country throughout the pandemic.
Fauci’s impressive list of accreditations solidified his credibility, but his ability to connect and showcase personality without distraction from scientific messages made him stand out and become the universal character he is today.
Having a media-ready personality who can clearly explain technical or abstract ideas without coming off as bland or dull is a secret weapon health care communicators can use to grab the media’s attention and distinguish your company or client from others.
Most spokespeople, particularly for biopharma and life sciences companies, will require some level of coaching. Sometimes a full media training is needed to strike the right balance between scientific credibility and likability, which can make the difference between landing or losing a story.
Keep events top-of-mind.
Another major shift in medical and pharma communications has been the impact on live, in-person events. Traditionally, medical meetings and congresses like the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), American Academy of Neurology (AAN) and American College of Cardiology (ACC), were annual, universal touchpoints for disseminating key information.
During the pandemic, however, presentations announcing pivotal data or first-in-class medications have transitioned from convention centers to video webinars. On-site interviews with clinical trial investigators changed to email Q&As.
Biopharma companies are using exclusive media interviews, data released in peer-reviewed medical journals and digital content like videos and microsites to reach physicians, media, patients, companies and stakeholders. If executed strategically, these tactics help announcements break through the coronavirus “info-demic” in the absence of live, in-person events.
Monitoring conference schedules and trends for the remainder of 2021 will be important to provide astute counsel for individuals or companies participating in these events.
Some congresses have already announced a hybrid setup with both in-person and virtual participation. This may soon be considered the norm as it provides flexibility for researchers and clinicians juggling their personal and professional lives, while also being accessible for participants who want to join without the burden of travel.
Be a resource for media.
When conducting media outreach, it is important to keep in mind that the pandemic has caused a high rate of reporter burnout and turnover. In March 2020, traditional and nontraditional healthcare reporters were assigned to only cover coronavirus-related news. More and more reporters are stepping down from their jobs for a mental health break. This is something of which PR professionals across all industries need to be cognizant. Our job is to be a resource, not a burden.
Even as the pandemic subsides, experts predict cancer diagnoses and other chronic illness rates will rise as people return to doctors’ offices. This will likely be one of the next chapters in the coronavirus’s book of media coverage.
Being especially tuned in to the entire media landscape gives PR professionals the ability to predict upcoming topics, allowing us to serve both clients and reporters by offering top spokespeople who can speak to emerging topics and ultimately secure notable media coverage.
To be able to compete in the marketplace of information, health care PR professionals need to lead with relevant scientific data, utilize digital content platforms efficiently and creatively, and work with credible, engaging spokespeople. By strengthening relationships with reporters and producers, we can also deliver the best possible outcomes for clients and media alike.