The Importance of Self-Reflection and Goal Setting in a Job Search
By Christina Stokes
August 2023
If you have ever found yourself in the position of looking for a new job in the PR profession, then you already know that launching a job search requires careful planning and a proactive approach. During the process, you will experience both wins and losses.
In the beginning of your search, self-reflection and goal setting are crucial steps that you do not want to gloss over. Self-reflection involves closely examining your thoughts, feelings and experiences. This is a big opportunity for you to experience a significant amount of professional and personal growth.
So, before you dive into the deep end and begin updating your résumé, drafting a cover letter, refining your online presence and applying to jobs, pump the breaks for a moment. You must take the time to focus inwardly. You can approach self-reflection in many ways, such as talking with a trusted confidant or journaling, for starters.
When you do this, focus on “what” and “why” questions — this keeps you objective and gets to the root of it all.
• Start by assessing your skills and competencies.
Be honest with yourself during this step. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses to gain a clear understanding of areas you excel in and those you need to develop further. Reflect on past achievements and notable experiences. Consider the hard and soft skills that may make you a more appealing candidate to potential employers.
• Consider your personal interests and values.
Reflect on the tasks and projects that have historically motivated and excited you most of all. Perhaps there is an industry or cause that you are particularly enthusiastic about. If you find, during reflection, that your goals and values of yesteryear have shifted, then that’s OK. Acknowledge it and shift accordingly. What does meaningful impact look like to you now? Aligning your search and career goals with your genuine interests can lead to greater job satisfaction, and it will fuel ongoing motivation throughout your career.
• Examine what matters most to you in a work environment.
Is there an organizational culture that suits you best? Some people thrive in a collaborative, team-oriented setting, while others excel in a fast-paced, dynamic startup. Certain folks prefer a structured, studious, corporate environment. The diversity of staff, leadership and clients may be hugely important to you. Evaluate your priorities in terms of work-life balance and factors such as flexible working hours, remote work options or the ability to pursue personal interests too.
• Narrow down the key criteria of the role you want.
Think about everything from location to salary, benefits, well-being initiatives, company culture and development opportunities, team structure and opportunities for growth. Reflect on long-term career aspirations. Where do you want to be in the future? Consider the specific roles and responsibilities that will put you on the trajectory for those goals, and what sort of supports, development and opportunities you may need to stay on that path.
• Be open to continuous learning and improvement.
As you make your way through your job search, remember that the process can be lengthy. Try to embrace new, healthier routines to sustain you. Set SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely). Invest in online courses, attend workshops or engage in relevant projects. Ask your mentors for suggestions. Demonstrating a commitment to ongoing development broadens your skill set and enhances your value as a candidate.
By engaging in an honest and introspective self-reflection process, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and everything you bring to the table. You will build confidence, enabling you to make more informed decisions, target relevant opportunities and present yourself in an appealing and authentic way.
Celebrate small victories, ask for help when you need it, and learn from any setbacks to polish and refine your approach. As professionals, and as human beings, we have a remarkable capacity to grow, evolve and adapt throughout our lifetimes. It’s OK to pause and pivot whenever you need to in your life and in your career. Stay positive as you move forward and be gentle on yourself.
Good luck out there!