Age of Discontent? Why Words Matter for Older Workers
By Ellen Crane, APR, Fellow PRSA
February 2025
When you think of the word “old,” what comes to mind? Wise, healthy, experienced and knowledgeable or tired, out of touch and slow?
In the PR profession, choosing the correct words always has been paramount. Yet, as discussions increase about intergenerational teams and an older workforce, the controversy surrounding certain words is taking center stage, especially as this segment of the population continues to grow. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the world’s population of people age 60 and older will double to 2.1 billion by 2050.
Today’s older workers yearn for a more positive image of aging. Helen Hirsh Spence, the founder and CEO of the consultancy Top Sixty Over Sixty in Canada, writes that positive words and images are rarely associated with being older.
In her article, “The Power of Words and Images,” she references a two-year research study that asked, “What are the first three words that come to mind when asked to describe ‘old?’”
“Rarely was there a positive word or phrase thrown in,” she reported. “Wise, healthy, experienced or knowledgeable were rare occurrences. Images and photos in books, in the media, on the news, in ads, or in the movies rarely portray growing old as something aspirational.”
She concluded: “Everyone has a responsibility to show up as that curious, active, older person with an expressive new vocabulary that more accurately describes the years over 65. Until we do, the words and images of aging won’t change.”
Reinforcing negative stereotypes
The beauty industry often reinforces negative images of aging. Anti-aging, for example, is ubiquitous among beauty product companies. A simple Google search results in thousands of entries for a scientifically false and misleading word. All living things age as part of the cycle of life. To anti-age literally means to stop living.
What is the role of the PR professional in stemming the tide of word misuses like this, especially given the growing global focus on ageism?
L’Oréal, which ironically promotes and sells “anti-aging” products, launched a campaign in late 2024 touting the number of people over age 50 they employ worldwide. Their “For All Generations” program claims that 15% of their employees are over 50 years old and that “for the first time, four generations are working together.”
The company website states: “To meet the major challenges of demographic, technological and ecological changes, L’Oréal must be the most inclusive, inspiring and innovative company where everyone has their place regardless of their age and experience. That’s why employability must be developed throughout one’s career, and we believe that companies have an active role to play in transforming this challenge into an opportunity.”
A full-page ad rolled out as part of this campaign, sparking both praise and criticism. On the positive side, their bold proclamations started an important conversation about ageism and embracing older workers. Negative feedback centered primarily on their continued use of “anti-aging” in their product descriptions.
LinkedIn was ablaze with feedback. Here are two examples:
- “Congratulations to L’Oréal for launching the first campaign that inspires me to coin a new term: Greywashing.”
- “Now THAT’s the kind of stat we LOVE to see! L’Oréal knows what drives great business, and that hiring, promoting, valuing and retaining older talent is more time- and cost-efficient, and therefore makes you more money.”
Despite the varying opinions, the L’Oréal campaign has brought to light the issue of perceptions around aging and challenges communicators to take notice of word choices in all communications to both external and internal audiences.
Helping reshape the images of aging
Communicators in organizations that embrace a multigenerational culture may want to consider a few simple practices to help reshape the image of aging.
Conducting a word audit
Have terms that perpetuate aging stereotypes crept into your organization’s communications? Word choices can subtly or overtly reinforce negative stereotypes, or they can promote dignity, respect and inclusion across all age groups. Although seemingly harmless on the surface, these phrases should be removed from spoken and written communications:
- Over the hill
- Elderspeak
- Senior moment
- Elderly
- Aged
Reviewing job postings
Certain phrases can inadvertently discriminate against older workers. Job postings with these phrases, for example, should be avoided:
- Young and energetic
- Digital natives
Aligning internal practices with external messaging
If a campaign touts an organization’s anti-ageism culture, then make sure external marketing campaigns do the same.
Instead of “anti-aging” consider alternatives, such as healthy aging or nourishing.
Perhaps eliminating the term “anti-aging” altogether is a valuable first step. Language shapes images, so words matter to people of all ages. Each stage of life deserves to be celebrated and described with carefully selected words that instill hope and inspiration rather than fear. Getting older is a gift we should all embrace.