Why You Need to Include Spanish Media in Your Outreach

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From Sept. 15 through Oct. 15, the United States will observe Hispanic Heritage Month. This time period inspires many organizations to explore Hispanic and Latino culture, but that’s where the consideration ends for some. 

As the Latino population continues to climb and becomes a majority group in many areas, public relations practitioners should integrate Hispanic cultural strategy in their everyday campaigns. 

One major aspect of that work is to include Spanish-language media and their audiences in our media relations outreach. According to Rosetta Stone, there are 57 million Spanish speakers in the United States alone. 

José Luis Dieppa, a former journalist who is now the external communications manager for AdventHealth in Orlando, Fla., explains that inclusion in this Q&A.

Describe your transition from working as a Spanish media journalist to the PR profession.

My transition happened organically. After the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando in June 2016, my priorities shifted. I took a “break” from the news. A colleague provided me with the opportunity to explore the PR side and I loved it. I went back to school and completed a communications/PR degree. Six years later, I’m so happy with that career shift. 

What mistakes or myths did you run into when you were a Spanish media journalist? 

Early in my career at a Spanish-language media outlet we navigated finding balance on what news to cover. Immigration, Latin America and other topics were top of mind for our news leaders. We found balance in covering those hot topics and learned that other issues like education, the economy and local government were critical news for our communities.

Later, when I worked in English-language outlets, we could educate the general market that Latino/Hispanic issues are not only immigration or news from our countries of origin. It was critical to highlight the contributions Latinos were making in our communities and elevate different voices.

How has your background helped you in your role today? 

My journalism background has helped me tremendously.  Especially when we talk about media relations as a component of public relations. It has helped me develop meaningful connections, be creative and meet deadlines in a timely manner.  I believe that former journalists bring extensive skills to the PR profession. I wish I had taken the leap of faith into this industry earlier. 

What should PR pros know about working with the Latino community? 

Some important points:

  • Language: Is critical to provide information to our Latino community in Spanish. We learned during the COVID-19 pandemic that some communities did not receive critical information in their native language, resulting in severe illness and death.  
  • Cultural Understanding: The Latino community is very diverse. Learn and respect the diversity within the community. There are many cultural nuances, values and traditions.
  • Relevance: Tailor messages to resonate with the target audience.  Hispanic PR/marketing efforts should be part of the planning process, not an afterthought. 
  • Ask: If you don’t know, then ask an expert. 

What should PR pros know about working with Spanish media journalists/outlets? 

Consider the following points:

Relationships: Build strong relationships. Invite journalists to a “café con leche” and learn about what they cover, their background, and ask them how you can support them.   

Language: Ideally, find a Spanish-speaking subject matter expert for interviews.  If that’s not possible, position an English-speaker SME who can do an excellent job in the interview. Reporters can translate the soundbite or quote.

Pitches: Tailor your pitches to the reporter. Highlight areas of importance to the Hispanic audience. 

I’m not fluent in Spanish, but I’ve always found a way to work with Spanish media outlets. You can, too. Use these tips to make intentional efforts to bridge communication gaps. 

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