Your 2023 Mantra: Live Your Values

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We can safely say the well-being of the PR professional has been a volatile experience since March 2020.

After three years of evolving relationships between employees and employers, it’s time to focus on strategies centering on stability.

My 2023 call to action for you is to define, communicate and live your values to ensure that your well-being is front and center.

Values are “the fundamental beliefs that guide and motivate our behavior and choices of what is important in life.”

New employee experience data from Qualtrics says, “When employees feel their organization embodies these values, they’re 27% more likely to have higher engagement scores, and 23% more likely to stay working for more than three years” for the same company.

The more your employees understand and embrace their values, the better they will perform for you. And the better they perform for you, the more money your company will make.

Additional data from the same Qualtrics report states: “Globally, 63% of those who rate their work-life balance highly are willing to go above and beyond for their organizations.”

The importance of setting boundaries

Public relations is a service industry. It can sometimes require time beyond the 9-5, Monday-Friday experience. However, we must set boundaries as the default rather than the exception. 

I encourage every PR professional to spend this month doing the following:

  1. Understand the values of your employer. Ask your manager or other leaders how they identify with or practice those values. If you run your own company, then review and refresh your values. 
  2. Understand how your personal values align with your company’s values. You should avoid working at companies whose values interfere with what is important to you!
  3. Identify three goals for your well-being to focus on this year. Examples include hiring a financial planner, volunteering for a professional association or blocking an hour out of every day for exercise.
  4. Assess how your company’s values are consistently and strategically communicated at your workplace. For example, include them at the top of every internal meeting agenda, or reference them when praising others (directs, peers, and bosses) for outstanding work and how they tie to those values.
  5. Encourage your employees to share examples of how they used your company’s values to improve their well-being. For instance, Chasing the Sun’s values are having respect for time, transparency and professionalism. If a Chasing the Sun employee told me this month that they preplanned their entire 2023 paid time off schedule (as I used to do during my career), then I might give them a spot bonus for prioritizing their well-being. 

Let’s look to 2023 as an empowering force for us to focus on living our values. Because when that happens, we can truly advance the PR profession and you as a world-class professional. 

I look forward to following along on your respective journeys. 

Happy 2023 to all! 

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[andrey popov]

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