Michelle Hudgins, APR

Michelle Hudgins is an accredited communications strategist with over 28 years of media, branding, and PR experience. She began her career working in broadcast news before transitioning her professional practice to advertising and PR. Currently, she serves as Senior Vice President of Public Relations for NeighborWorks America. This national non-profit creates opportunities for people to live in affordable homes, improve their lives, and strengthen their communities. She has worked for several notable organizations, including The American Red Cross and The National Education Association. As a senior strategist at the National Education Association, she consulted with and trained senior leaders and affiliates, served as a national spokesperson, and coordinated the implementation of several national community outreach initiatives.
Ms. Hudgins holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Media Arts from Hampton University, a Master of Science in Communications with an emphasis on Advertising and Strategy from Virginia Commonwealth University, and a Master of Arts in Film from American University. Her favorite past-times include traveling, catching a film, writing, and cheering on her beloved Hampton Pirates. Hudgins also has a passion for coaching non-profit leaders, churches, and community groups on media mastery, branding, message development, and other skills necessary to impact systemic change in their work.
Ms. Hudgins holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Media Arts from Hampton University, a Master of Science in Communications with an emphasis on Advertising and Strategy from Virginia Commonwealth University, and a Master of Arts in Film from American University. Her favorite past-times include traveling, catching a film, writing, and cheering on her beloved Hampton Pirates. Hudgins also has a passion for coaching non-profit leaders, churches, and community groups on media mastery, branding, message development, and other skills necessary to impact systemic change in their work.