Idea Steal: How-To Edition | PR Survival Skillsets

June 15, 2021 1:00 PM – 1:55 p.m.

The world of travel and tourism PR has been turned upside down, but what have we learned in the midst of the chaos? What aspects of the digital era will stick? Will any of us willingly get on a Zoom ever again? What does a pitch email look like in 2021? How are people hosting journalists now? What on earth is anyone doing with influencers? You’ll hear from PR professionals about how they’ve made it work and what ideas you can steal from them.
Mindy Bianca with ice cream sundae
Mindy Bianca

Principal, Mindy Bianca Public Relations (mbpr!)


Leah Chandler CDME
Leah Chandler

Chief Marketing Officer, Discover Puerto Rico


Kim Jamieson_headshot
Kim Jamieson

Director of Marketing & Air Service Development, Columbia Metropolitan Airport


Craig Trost
Craig Trost

Director of Communications , Wisconsin Office of Tourism
