6 Ways to Make Easier Connections
By Amy Jacques
May 2024
Some people have qualities that instantly draw others to them, according to a recent Fast Company article. Being likable can help you connect with others, often leading to more communication and stronger relationships. This can be especially helpful with collaboration in the workplace, as people come from different backgrounds and cultures.
“But there’s a fine line between working on your likability and ease of connection versus people-pleasing, which can be detrimental,” the article says.
Fast Company outlines a few habits and traits to help people better forge relationships.
It’s important to be present and focus on the conversation at hand — genuinely listening and being curious about what someone else has to say. Focus on creating a connection instead of thinking about your image or the impression you’re making.
Also, people are generally more likable when they share and give credit at the appropriate times. Including everyone who worked on a project or referencing someone by name when they have a great idea can make others feel valued.
“People are generally drawn to individuals who are genuine and who are transparent,” Fast Company says. Being authentic and your true self can show your trustworthiness and reliability.
When you show people that you are empathetic and care about their feelings and well-being, they notice. Being a good listener — and not interrupting — also builds rapport. The article suggests asking at least one question about the other person for every three times you talk about yourself to help maintain balance.
Always be straightforward, even when you have negative news. People appreciate honesty rather than generalizing or telling only part of the truth — this can lead others to “make personality judgments about them, finding them less warm, less extraverted and more cautious,” the article says.
Being self-aware and open, and not hiding or changing an aspect of yourself to fit in or make yourself more likeable can help when issues arrive. Also, if you don’t like someone, then it’s important to find out why, Fast Company says. Sometimes, it’s because people come from different cultures or have varying communication styles, and being aware of these aspects can help you overcome this.
According to Fast Company, here are six habits that highly likable people practice.
- Be present.
- Give credit, and share credit.
- Be authentic.
- Be caring and empathetic.
- Listen well, and listen actively.
- Communicate well.