Eating Healthy While Working From Home
By Amy Jacques
July-August 2020
The coronavirus pandemic means that many office workers are continuing to do their jobs remotely. Instead of going to the break room or out to lunch with co-workers, people are eating most of their meals at home, which can lead to snacking to quell stress and emotions.
Workers are also less physically active, as they are no longer commuting, walking around the office to meetings and other cubicles, or venturing outside for a lunch break. And it can be difficult to pay attention to nutrition when your office is next to — or even within — your kitchen. For starters, do not do your work in the same place where you eat your meals.
When it comes to the kitchen, Yahoo! News shares a few ideas: Remove comfort foods and processed snacks from your pantry, and reorganize your refrigerator so you can see what you have. Another tip is to divide your food into categories in your pantry and refrigerator, dedicating one to “lean proteins, one to vegetables rich in fiber and another shelf devoted to healthy fats.”
An ABC News piece suggests creating a structured eating plan throughout the day, along with adding breathing exercises, meditation, and activities or hobbies to your routine to help decrease cortisol levels to the brain. “Even under stressful situations, you should nourish your body with three meals and two snacks a day,” the article says.
Meal-prepping for the week is another way to encourage a balanced diet and ensure you're consuming nutritious food, says the Cleveland Clinic. It takes the guesswork out of lunchtime, saves time and makes more room for productivity in your workday.
“Good hydration helps your cells function and your body eliminate waste, which enables your immune system to work better,” says an article from Consumer Reports. “And it prevents headaches and muscle fatigue, aids digestion and even boosts your mood.”
Here are six more healthy habits to consider.
- Set up a mealtime schedule to avoid snacking all day.
- Eat a diet rich in protein, fiber, healthy fats, fruits and veggies.
- Use dishes and portion your food; don’t eat out of a bag or container.
- Hydrate! Carry a water bottle around your house.
- Avoid too much caffeine, alcohol, and sugary soda and juice.
- Focus on just eating at mealtime; don’t sit at your desk or multitask.